Nothing will change until greens mount some primary challenges and collect some scalps | Grist

Nothing will change until greens mount some primary challenges and collect some scalps.  I agree.  I would join, give money to, and vote for a Green Party that was organized around this proposal.  We shouldn’t get all Lawrence of Arabia until we’ve actually tried real, dirty politics.  Which we haven’t.  Because we’re sissies.

Published by

Zane Selvans

A former space explorer, now marooned on a beautiful, dying world.

2 thoughts on “Nothing will change until greens mount some primary challenges and collect some scalps | Grist”

  1. I keep wondering, why not support US political reform? Proportional Representation or even just instant run-off voting/alternative voting/preferential voting would all allow voters to vote for third parties while still preferencing one of the main 2 parties … (But then, I’m Australian, so preferential voting seems perfectly natural to me.)

    1. I think electoral reform would be wonderful, and it clearly has to happen eventually, but it’s a meta-issue that’s really hard to get people to pay attention to, and implementing it takes a significant super-majority. And of course, everyone who is ever in power came to power under the current system, and so is likely to be wary of changing that system.

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