Hassalo on 8th: A Bicycle Superblock in Portland

I have some urban envy: a development under construction in the Lloyd neighborhood of Portland called Hassalo on 8th (almost like you’d buy it at Ikea…) has 657 apartments, 1,200 bike parking spaces, and 328 (underground) car parking spaces on 4 city blocks with car-free streets between them.  They hope to land a grocer for one of the ground floors.  Special attention to parking for families (cargo bikes and trailers).  Bike Portland has more details.

Lloyd Blocks | GBD Architects

One of the new buildings is 20 stories tall, but if everything on the superblock were built to 7 stories, I think overall it would have a similar FAR or probably close enough anyway.

And why is it we can’t we build something like this in Boulder?

Published by

Zane Selvans

A former space explorer, now marooned on a beautiful, dying world.

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