Bruce Sterling has posted a great, almost purple rant entitled The Ecuadorian Library, on Manning, Assange, Snowden, and the future of the surveillance/leak game that’s only now just beginning to be played with modern equipment. The information wants to be free, but the governments of the world will crush your sniveling, naked meatspace body in a cold, hard cell afterward. And yet miraculously there’s more to come. Maybe lots, lots more.
Tag: leaks
Secret memos expose link between oil firms and invasion of Iraq
Secret memos expose link between oil firms and invasion of Iraq. I don’t know who could possibly be surprised by this, but it’s both nice and horrible to have unequivocal confirmation. Goes a long way toward normalizing Donald Trump’s plan to steal (at least) $1.5 trillion worth of Iraqi oil if he’s elected president. Trump-Palin 2012! Apocalypse please.